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文章来源:用户投稿作者:魔兽手游网发布时间:2023-09-07 09:39:02

The Latest Item Build for Aatrox in League of Legends


Aatrox, the Darkin Blade, is a formidable champion in League of Legends known for his sustain and strong initiation capabilities. With the right item build, Aatrox can dominate the game and carry his team to victory. In this guide, we will discuss the latest item build for Aatrox and how to optimize his gameplay.

Early Game:

During the laning phase, it's important to prioritize survivability and sustain. Start with Doran's Blade and a health potion for additional sustain. Your core items in the early game should be Blade of the Ruined King and Black Cleaver.

1. Blade of the Ruined King: This item provides lifesteal, attack damage, and a passive that deals bonus damage based on the target's current health. It allows Aatrox to sustain in fights and deal significant damage to tanks.

2. Black Cleaver: This item grants attack damage, cooldown reduction, and armor penetration. Its passive shreds armor, making Aatrox's abilities more effective and allowing him to burst down squishy targets.

Mid Game:

As the game progresses, focus on building more damage and utility to maximize Aatrox's impact in team fights. Consider the following items:

1. Sterak's Gage: This item provides additional attack damage, health, and a shield that activates when Aatrox takes a large amount of damage. It increases his survivability and allows him to stay in fights longer.

2. Guardian Angel: This item grants attack damage and revives Aatrox upon death. It provides a second chance in team fights and allows him to continue dealing damage after resurrection.

Late Game:

In the late game, Aatrox's role transitions into a powerful initiator and frontline tank. Prioritize defensive items that provide utility and crowd control:

1. Thornmail: This item gives armor, grievous wounds, and reflects damage back to attackers. It is effective against high-damage, auto-attack reliant champions and provides Aatrox with additional survivability.

2. Spirit Visage: This item grants magic resistance, increased healing effects, and cooldown reduction. It synergizes well with Aatrox's innate sustain, making him even harder to kill.

Situational Items:

Depending on the game situation, there are several situational items you can consider:

1. Guardian's Angel: This item provides a revive effect that can be crucial in tight team fights or when split-pushing. It gives Aatrox a chance to turn the tide of battle.

2. Death's Dance: This item grants attack damage, lifesteal, and a passive that converts a portion of damage taken into a bleeding effect. It increases Aatrox's survivability and sustain.


Aatrox is a powerful champion in League of Legends, capable of dominating the game when equipped with the right items. The latest item build for Aatrox focuses on sustain, damage, and utility, enabling him to excel in both duels and team fights. Experiment with different item combinations based on the game situation, and remember to adapt your playstyle accordingly. Now, equip Aatrox with the optimal items, charge into battle, and claim victory on the Fields of Justice!

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